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Every business – and every business owner – can benefit from coaching. Why? Because coaches get you to do the things you know you should be doing to make your business fly.

The former chief executive of the Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency (Wreda), Chris Whelan, is offering Ōtaki businesses the opportunity to benefit from his experience and expertise through ActionCoach.

He says completion changes things.

“Our business owners make more money without working every hour of every day of the week. So, if you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the following questions, I’d love to have a chat.”

  • Are you working longer hours than you want to and expected when you went into business? What would you do with an extra 15-20 hours each week?

  • Do you believe you should be getting greater returns from your business than you have been? How has that frustration played out? What would an extra 15-20% mean to your business? How satisfied are you with your revenue and profits?

  • Are your business systems and team working for you or do you find yourself spending too much time ‘fighting fires’? What would it mean to you and to your family, if you could take more time away from your business and still make greater profit?

He says when he coaches business owners, they:

  • enjoy and benefit from practical, energetic and focused thoughts

  • receive real-world strategies, proven techniques, and great motivation

  • enjoy future-based goals and planning, coupled with clear path to these goals – and the enjoyment along the way!


Focus, accountability and mentoring are the keys to unlocking your future and building a better business. If you want to do things differently and better, book a free 30-minute consultation to see what in my 25+ years in business can shift the dial for you.
Call: 022 2332 669 




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Coaching a boost for business owners

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