‘Aunty Gabe’ Rikihana gone at 98
By Mishy Rikihana-Vieira
"Aunty Gabe" was one of the first wāhine Māori to attend university, later spending most of her life as a teacher and schools inspector. But she did so much more. Ōtaki lost one of its most remarkable citizens when she died peacefully aged 98. READ MORE
ŌTAKI TODAY, MARCH 2025 Click to download
Ōtaki College Roll
A call-out by Ōtaki Today to discover which former students and staff have died in the past 60 years has revealed a list. READ MORE.
Michael new board chair
Michael Moore has been appointed the new chair of the Waikanae Community Board. He assumed the position at the November board meeting after Richard Mansell stepped down as chair. Richard is still a board member.
Plenty for foodbank
The recent appeal by the Friends of the Ōtaki Foodbank resulted in more than 180 bags of food and other items collected. This year the Ōtaki Scouts helped the Friends volunteers with the collection. The Foodbank will close on December 24 and reopen on January 20.
Fletcher joins NZ sevens
Former Rāhui rugby player Fletcher Carpenter joined the NZ Sevens squad for the Cape Town tournament in South Africa on December 7-8. The tournament is part of the Sevens World Series.
Grant helps Tū Roa
Tū Roa te Kōhanga Reo has recently received a $120,732 Lottery grant to help it complete the final stage of a big restoration project on its historic building and surrounding natural spaces. The two-year project aims to preserve the wairua of the kōhanga while meeting the growing demand for kohanga reo services in Ōtaki.
Kites dates March 8-9
The 2025 Ōtaki Kite Festival will be on the weekend of March 8-9.