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A warm welcome to all

A warm welcome to all



By Andy Fraser, Ōtaki College principal 

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei aku whakatiketike, nei rā ngā mihi matakuikui ki a koutou, ngā ākonga o mua. Ko koutou e whakanui ana i ngā tau e 60 o te Kāreti o Ōtaki nei.

Nō mātou anō te māringa nui ki te manaaki i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira o tātou. Kāore e kore he nui ngā āhuatanga rerekē, ngā āhuatanga hou, ā, ko te tūmanako hoki he āhuatanga mīharo ki a koutou.

He wā kia noho tahi i runga i te whakaaro kotahi. Te tūtaki anō i ō hoa o mua, me te anga whakamua ki ngā whakaritenga o te Kāhui Ākonga o Ōtaki.

He ringa tōhaunui te Kāhui Ākonga o Ōtaki, kua ihuoneone te karawhiu ki te tautoko i te Kāreti o Ōtaki me ngā ākonga hoki, kia whāia tonutia ai a tātou tamariki ki te eke ki ngā taumata e wawatatia ai rātou.

E kore rawa te puna ā mihi e mimiti ki a koutou, otirā tātou e tau nei.

Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui.

A very warm Ōtaki College welcome to all past students attending the 60th reunion.

It is a pleasure to host the event at the college and I trust that while you’re here you will be able to see the many changes since your time here.

It will be a time to catch up with old friends and acquaintances and share stories of the past. It might also be a time for you to reconnect with the college and be part of its future through the XŌtaki College Alumni Trust, which now plays a significant role in supporting the college and student body in helping us to fulfill our college vision of "developing young people who always strive top be the best that they can be”.

Enjoy your time together. Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui.



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