Ōtaki College dux Louis Bevan might look to the stars, but his feet are firmly on the ground.
Louis was announced as dux at the college prize-giving night on October 27. He’s a maths whizz who is going to to study astronomy. But he’s no science geek, evidenced by the Chairperson’s Award for All-Round Excellence, another of a brace of trophies and awards that went his way at the prize-giving.

Ōtaki College dux Louis Bevan: “College has been good. It’s been a healthy environment to grow up in. It’s helped me be a better person.” Photo Ōtaki Today
His good mate, Joseph (J T) Byrne, was runner-up to dux in a close-run finish. The two Year 13 students had points that were in the all-time top three at Ōtaki College, eclipsed only by the remarkable Krisha Modi, dux in 2021.
“We knew one of us would get it [dux], and we compared notes to see how we were doing,” Louis says. “In the end we were just happy for each other.”
Having topped Year 13 in chemistry and physics, Louis, is now focusing on the next few years at Canterbury University. It’s where he will continue studying mathematics, after already completing his 100 level exams, coming away with an A+.
It was enough to get him a $5000 scholarship at Canterbury, where he will also study physics and major in astronomy.
Louis went to Waitohu School where he was “good at maths” before heading to Ōtaki College. He says the college has nurtured his growth not only academically, but as an individual.
“I came here not very confident in myself. I didn’t like any kind of public speaking. I’ve got over all that. College has been good. It’s been a healthy environment to grow up in. It’s helped me be a better person.”
Louis is effusive about the role Maths teacher Coline Diver has had in his success.
“She’s been an extremely important person to me – definitely a huge help. She’s allowed me to make mistakes. She was also the one who pushed me into into being part of the heads of school team.”
Following his aptitude for maths at Waitohu, exceptional grades at college had him thinking early on about the dux award as a goal.
“It’s been something I thought about pretty much from Year 7 on,” he says. “I knew I could do it if I worked hard.”
That’s certainly happened to plan. Interestingly, however, Louis has no end-goal after he’s done studying.
“No idea,” he says when quizzed on his professional future. “Maybe some travel for a while. I’m just not sure what I’ll do after uni – something in astronomy probably, maybe some study in rocket technology.”
Whatever it is, Louis is sure to make a success of it.