Ōtaki Promotions Group members Lynne Corkin, Carol Ward and Norman Elder at the OPG stall for the eighth Ōtaki Community Expo on Saturday, September 7.
The eighth annual Ōtaki Community Expo had more than 500 people attending on Saturday (September 7).
The Memorial Hall in Main Street was packed at times as nearly 40 community groups, sporting organisations and clubs talked to visitors – and to each other.
Groups were as diverse as the local bridge club, Energise Ōtaki, Elevate Ōtaki and the local Scouts.
Organiser Carol Ward of the Ōtaki Promotions Group says the event was well supported by the community. Stallholders had a good number of enquiries, with many new member sign-ups and information shared.
“Stallholders also found it helpful to be able to network with one another,” Carol says.
“We have so many amazing organisations in Ōtaki and I really enjoy organising the expo so they have the opportunity to share what they do with one another and the community.”
St John Ambulance and the health shuttle – regular participants – were typical of many groups in their comments.
“We were delighted to receive a lot of positive interest,” St John said after the expo. “We would like to thank Carol and her team for this opportunity to profile the vital role St John plays within the community.”
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