Eighty athletes competed in the Ōtaki Open cross-fit challenge on Saturday, December 10, coming from as far as Wellington.
They were competing in four disciplines at Tara O’Rourke’s Wild Strength & Conditioning cross-fit gym on Waitohu Valley Road. Tara has organised the challenge for the past three years.
“It’s a fitness competition open to everyone,” Tara says. “The workouts are designed to test all aspects of fitness to find the fittest pair.”
The day began at 8am with a crossfit workout, followed by weightlifting, a strongman workout and finally an endurance run up the valley of the family farm.

TAKING A BREAK: Participants take a break at the end of the Ōtaki Open cross-fit challenge on December 10, with Ōtaki and Kāpiti Island (background left) behind them.
Photo supplied
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