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Council to address housing crisis with new block


The recent purchase of the land block at 254 Rangiuru Road shows council’s commitment to playing its part in addressing the housing crisis, says Ōtaki Ward Councillor James Cootes.

“The rampant increase in house prices, coupled with limited housing options, like one and two-bedroom homes or units, is forcing many of our community out of Ōtaki,” he says. “While no decisions or commitments have yet been made on how this land could be developed, by purchasing the land council is well placed to explore the needs of our community in detail, and how we might be able to work together with other developers and partners to deliver housing solutions to meet those needs.”

He said the council saw an opportunity to demonstrate a different housing development rather than the standard “three-bedroom home with double garage”, with a mix of different housing models and higher density to ensure a more affordable end of the house price spectrum.

Council to address housing crisis with new block



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