Ōtaki biker Terama Winterburn is looking forward to a charity ride in November that will take him and 13 others on a 4700km trek the length of New Zealand.
The Post to Post ride will begin in Palmerston North, go through the South Island to Bluff in the deep south, then back up through both islands to Cape Reinga in the Far North before returning to Palmerston North.

Terama Winterburn (sunglasses centre front), pictured at Ōtaki joining other Riders Against Cancer members on a recent Sunday ride to Pauatahanui. Photo Ōtaki Today
Terama will be taking his big Harley-Davidson motorcycle on the trek that will take a total of 16 days to complete.
It’s a promotional tour and fundraiser by Riders Against Cancer (RAC). The charitable organisation is a group of riders and pillions who raise money and cancer awareness through weekly rides, and three big fundraising events throughout the year.
It began in late 2021 with a small group in the lower North Island. Since then it has expanded with Canterbury and Southland branches.
The Post to Post ride will raise funds for the newly opened Canterbury Cancer Centre. Along the way, the riders – some of whom have had cancer themselves or have family members with the disease – promote cancer awareness and advise on what communities can do to help.
“We will be stopping along the way, where possible, at Cancer Society offices just to say hi – and make a little bit of noise with the motorbikes,” says RAC National Vice-President Rick Carter.
The group this year donated $12,000 to the Cancer Society in the first quarter alone.
For more information or to donate, see racnz.co.nz