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Cobblers Soup team looking for helpers


The group offering soups weekly at the Memorial Hall Supper Room is seeking a little more volunteer help.

The Cobblers Soup team has been serving home-made soups every Thursday lunchtime for the past eight years. People drop in from all walks of life – from the retired and still working to families and those on limited income. Koha is appreciated, but payment is not expected.

Tony Hart, who along with wife Sheila coordinate the soup service, says the team is a couple of volunteers short.

“We’d love someone to contact us if they can turn up regularly on a Thursday to help out.. We could also do with someone who can help make soups.”

Tony says they’ve been able to serve the community only with the help of volunteers and the generosity of business owners.

“We have to thank our great group of volunteers who make and serve soup, and set up the Supper Room. A couple more to help us out would be really appreciated.

“Thank you also to our marvellous suppliers who donate vegetables – Penray Gardens, Pescini Bros, Woodhouse Gardens, Lewis Asparagus – plus contributions from the Ōtaki Surplus Stall.

“Thank you also to Ayrpac and RiverStone Cafe who give us pottles we use to deliver soup weekly to about 30 elderly and infirm people in Ōtaki. And thanks to Avrill and Clyne who have donated a year’s supply of Massel stock cubes, and Ōtaki Today for its support.”

If you can help, call Tony or Sheila: 06 364-8731




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Cobblers Soup team looking for helpers


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