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Dumping threatens estuary ecosystem
Warning letters sent to individuals suspected of dumping industrial waste, concrete and construction rubble, tyres, clothing and green waste along Ōtaki’s waterways and estuaries. READ MORE
Ōtaki College Roll
A call-out by Ōtaki Today to discover which former students and staff have died in the past 60 years has revealed a list. READ MORE.
‘Open Home’ opens
Open Home, a drop-in at the Ōtaki Baptist hall, 2 Te Manuao Road, is now open from 4-8pm on Tuesdays and Fridays. Described as a “place for people to thrive”, it offers: social gatherings with shared kai, board games and a chat with others; a kitchen to cook a meal or get one with koha; and a shower. Everyone is welcome, including anyone who would like to help.
Grant for school hall upgrade
Ōtaki School has received $7782.48 in the latest round of NZ Community Trust grants. It is the second grant from NZCT, which with funding from One Foundation will get the school hall lined, a mirror and doors installed to help with school and community kapa haka organised by Kahura Cameron, and after-school hip hop classes with assistance from Māoriland.
Calendar issued
Maramataka 2024-2025 is now available, the third in a series of calendars featuring local rongoā – traditional Māori healing and well-being practices. It is published by the Rongoā Collective of the ĀRT Confederation and is available at all Kāpiti Coast District Council service centres for $20.
Thirteen incidents for firefighters
Local firefighters attended 13 incidents in June. Four were for private fire alarms; three were for investigations; two each for property and rubbish, grass or scrub fires; and one each for a motor vehicle accident and a medical emergency.
Man gets three years jail
Chase Turner of Manakau, 36, was sentenced in the Levin District Court on May 23 to three years in jail. The sentence came after the death on August 18 last year of Conor Doyle, who died when his motorcycle was struck by an oncoming vehicle on Mill Road, Ōtaki. Turner was convicted of driving while disqualified, driving with excess blood alcohol causing death, and driving with two or more qualifying drugs in the blood. Turner was also disqualified indefinitely from driving.
Kite dates set
The 2025 Ōtaki Kite Festival will be on the weekend of March 8-9.