Three Ōtaki organisations are among five in the Kāpiti region to receive $12,000 each from the Māori Economic Development Grants Fund to develop their services and products.

GRANTED: Taryn Beri and Jerome Kavanagh outside their Toi Tangata art space, which has received a development grant.
They are:
Toi Tangata Studio Gallery Ltd in Main Street, to establish its inclusive art and community space. Toi Tangata, operated by Taryn Beri and Jerome Cavanagh, opened on Main Street in March.
The Hori Gallery Ltd to develop a destination art studio, gallery, café and community space. The Hori Gallery is developing a new space on Moana Street, Ōtaki Beach. It includes a converted church that will be living space, an old school building that will house an art gallery and workspace, and a container to be converted into a café. The existing fence on Moana Street will be torn down to open up the whole area.
Ōtaki Manuka Growers Ltd for infrastructure development at a manuka plant nursery. Working on Ngati Maiotaki land near Lake Waiorongomai, Ōtaki Mānuka Growers was established in 2018 to develop and provide locally eco-sourced mānuka as a sustainable alternative to the commercial cultivars currently available. The company offers a “planting plan” service for individuals and groups involved in riparian and restoration projects throughout the country.
Other Kāpiti organisations to receive grants are Wai Ata to establish a youth-focused training provider in film-making, and Waka Kāpiti Ltd to develop a Māori eco-tour venture.
The $60,000 contestable grants fund was set up in 2013 by Kāpiti Coast District Council and Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti to support whānau, hapū, iwi and mātāwaka to develop their business or social enterprise.
Convenor of the judging panel Russell Spratt (Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai) says the number and quality of applications was high.
“The projects receiving grants are diverse and support both existing businesses as well as giving a boost to those just starting up,” Russell said.
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