Hit posts have been installed on the highway rise south of the new bridges, known as The Ramp, just north of the BP roundabout.
The hit post are aimed at preventing drivers pulling into the painted grid as they head down the hill. Most drivers would likely be locals keen on passing built-up traffic – especially at weekends – to go west into Mill Road.
The practice was especially dangerous if drivers overtook before the signalled pedestrian crossing. Ōtaki Today observed one driver passing through the crossing on a red light.
Te Horo lane to close
Waka Kotahi NZTA Waka Kotahi NZ Transport is about to close permanently the southbound passing lane just south of Te Horo. The agency says the closure is to improve safety and provide more reliable journeys.
Work is expected to start on Thursday, March 18.
A wide flush median and hit posts will be installed to further separate northbound and southbound traffic, and to assist with vehicles turning in and out of driveways along the road.
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