Work is progressing apace on the new reservoir at the top of Te Manuao Road.
Reporting to the Ōtaki Community Board meeting on March 5, project manager Peter Bollmann said a huge amount of earth had been moved since work began earlier in the year.
“It’s a big excavation job,” he said.
Ground improvement works to install stone and steel columns had been completed, and the site was being prepared for construction of the reservoir tank. This involves laying layers of gravel and geo-fabric, which separates layers, allows drainage and holds the gravel in place.
Tank construction will start as soon as the site is prepared and the pipe work from the reservoir site to the top of Te Manuao Road along the main site access road is completed. That work is due to be finished by about March 20.
“We hope to finish the project by November,” Peter said.

An aerial photo showing the reservoir site in early March. The reservoir itself will be built in the circular space at the bottom right of the earthworks.
Photo Rob Kofoed
The contractor carrying out the mains pipe-laying work down Te Manuao Road to County Road had almost completed (as of publication date) laying the overflow pipe to the stormwater connection in Pohatu Lane.
Many of the 2500 native trees to be planted on the site have been bought and are being cared for by a council ecologist. It is part of the community-designed planting plan for the reservoir site. It is to be planted with the aim of creating a biodiversity-focused area of native trees and plants to attract birds and other fauna. The planting will also help screen the reservoir from neighbouring properties.
The ecologist will manage the trees until they’re established and growing well.
Peter said the homes of residents nearby had been inspected before Christmas and would be inspected again to see if earthworks had caused any damage.
The reservoir is designed to improve Ōtaki’s resilience, and support current and future housing needs. It will also increase the amount of stored drinking water for emergencies and times of high demand, and improve fire-fighting capability.