ON SHOW: Ceramic native birds created by Ōtaki artist Kevin Haste. Kevin’s birds were at Ōtaki’s Old Courthouse Gallery, which was part of last year’s Kāpiti Arts Trail.
The Kāpiti Arts Trail has been confirmed for its original date on the weekends of November 7-8 and 14-15.
Kāpiti Coast District Council says the confirmation removes the uncertainty generated after the Covid-19 lockdown. This will be the Trail’s 20th year.
The event is popular both within the Kāpiti community and with visitors. It’s an opportunity for artists to welcome visitors into their studios, or to showcase their work at a gallery or hub for the duration of the Trail.
Kāpiti Coast District deputy mayor and arts portfolio holder Janet Holborow says the Arts Trail is an important feature of the Kāpiti events calendar, and in 2020 will be particularly special.
“Not only is this event celebrating the significant 20-year milestone, it will also be coming at an important time for our diverse local artists and our cultural recovery,” Janet says.
“The past few months have been challenging for many in community and artists have been among those particularly affected. I urge everyone to put the event in their diaries and hit the Trail to show their support and see and meet artists in their work and studio spaces.”
Waikanae Beach jeweller, painter and Arts Trail veteran Diane Connal will be opening her studio doors again this year and says this will be the perfect opportunity to buy and support local, and get a close up look at the creative process.
“It’s a totally different environment,” Diane says of the post-Covid-19 landscape.
“The Arts Trail has always been a big promotional and sales event, and this year there are not going to be too many other events like it. So a focus on buy local will be big for artists.
“Seeing artists in their studios is also a great way to see what they do, and we are very lucky here with a great range of artists. I’ve got all my tools and machinery there so people can see how I work.”
Applications for artists, galleries, art societies/club or guilds, and hub managers for the 2020 Kāpiti Arts Trail are open until 5pm July 12.
n See https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/arts-trail for important information and to apply.
ON SHOW: Ceramic native birds created by Ōtaki artist Kevin Haste. Kevin’s birds were at Ōtaki’s Old Courthouse Gallery, which was part of last year’s Kāpiti Arts Trail.