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Fundraising allows start for hall strengthening

Fundraising allows start for hall strengthening


Fundraising targets achieved ahead of schedule mean work on earthquake strengthening Te Horo Hall can begin as soon as the contractor is available.

The hall committee recently unanimously agreed to proceed as soon as possible to strengthen and upgrade the hall. Work is expected to begin in August.

The total raised so far is now more than $466,000, with the Te Horo community contributing more than $95,000.

The Waikanae Community Board has granted $15,000 and mayor Janet Holborow has committed to contributing $5000 from the mayoral fund to help offset consent costs.

A second grant of $125,000 is to come from the Lotteries Commission (adding to an earlier $90,000 grant), plus there have been hall savings from past fundraising and other donations, pushing the total towards the $500,000 target.

Hall chair Andrew Annakin says the fundraising result is “a huge milestone for Te Horo and Te Horo Hall”. He praised how the Te Horo community responded to the RoadRai$e campaign with so many excellent fundraising events and activities.

“There were many leaders and even more supporters, all generating ideas and keen to take on the challenge,” he says. “The magic was in the energy and commitment of everyone involved. There was a real buzz around the community, the likes of which few could remember before.

“Thank you, Te Horo!”

The hall committee’s top priority was to earthquake-strengthen the building, which was originally budgeted at $335,000 but is now $350,000 due to additional regulatory costs.

Being close to the target already means upgrade work can also be done. It will include improvements to the kitchen, exterior cladding, and outside facilities.

The last RoadRai$e event was a movie night at Te Horo School organised by pupil Isaac Bridge of Room 11. Two movies were shown for different age groups and together with a sausage sizzle (thanks to Ōtaki New World) and sales of bags of lollies, Issac raise more than $1000.

For information about the hall and for future events and updates see




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