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The healing powers of kawakawa

In the beginning, Papatūānuku and Ranginui were entwined in a loving embrace, their affection for one another enduring through eternity.

Joanne Hakaraia

However, after ages of closeness, their children ultimately separated them. This separation left Papatūānuku heartbroken, plunging her into deep sadness. To help alleviate her grief, she was given a rongoā to adorn her body and aid in healing her pain. This rongoā is known as kawakawa.

The heart-shaped leaves of kawakawa serve as a symbol of its healing powers. Traditionally used by Māori to relieve pain and soothe toothaches, the leaves contain myrsticin, which exhibits mild antiseptic qualities and pain-numbing effects.

It is beneficial for kidney and bladder issues, and offers a delightful taste while promoting overall health. With its gentle cleansing properties, kawakawa supports various ailments, including digestive and circulatory conditions. It’s important to note that kawakawa thins the blood, so individuals on heart medication should exercise caution.

When I feel sluggish or stressed, I often enjoy a glass of kawakawa tea daily for up to a week. This helps me detoxify and reconnect with Papatūānuku, allowing me to feel grounded. In our hectic lives, it’s easy to get lost in our thoughts and feel unanchored. Kawakawa wairākau (tea) helps restore our awareness to the centre, enabling us to see things more clearly from the heart.

Kawakawa is plentiful in our environment and can be easily integrated into your daily routine as a wairākau.

If you can identify the kawakawa plant, consider making this simple wairākau (tea). It’s a wonderful addition to have in your fridge. You can enjoy the wairākau as a drink or add it to your bath water, as it’s great for the skin due to its antibacterial properties.

To make a wairākau:

1. Place about five leaves (fresh or dried) in a pot.

2. Pour a litre of water into the pot and bring to a boil.

3. Boil for 10 minutes.

4.  Strain.

5.  Drink

Once you’ve boiled the leaves, you can switch off the stove and allow them to remain in the pot of water. The longer you let the leaves steep, the richer and stronger the rongoā will become.

When I use the rongoā for a deep cleanse, I let it steep for a few days to allow the mauri to intensify. It’s powerful. I can immediately feel the ancient minerals revitalising my body.

Joanne is kaitohu (director) of The Rongoā Mauri Studio and is ACC registered for Rongoā Māori Services. See




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